LATOJA Hyaluronic Acid - Skin Booster without Injection, Adopt Nanotechnology
SKIN BOOSTER WITHOUT JAB/ OPERATION - which can help you to sweep away the marks of time and unveil youthful skin again. Bring out a renewed glow and suppleness to your skin with LATOJA products
suitable for breastfeed & pregnant mother
before starts using LATOJA Hyaluronic Acid, you must make sure your skin is adequately hydrated! Consult us now!
Drop us a message on your skin condition and our professional consultant will advise you the solution!
Sincerely remind consumers, due to our latoja listed, and a lot of black
business are producing fake! If because of few dollars or buy cheap hundreds
greedy, but if what went wrong, but no one is responsible for, is your own body
and skin. All products should comes with authenticity verification code
Does your contour look different if you change your camera angle when taking a selfie?
If you see a difference, it means that your skin is losing its elasticity. How to make your face will appear sharp no matter the angle? Good looks are inherited, but skin elasticity can be achieved only with effort.
Have you been taking booster jab regularly?
Have you been searching for a substitute to give you the benefits of booster but eliminate the side effects?
Here you are! LATOJA Hyaluronic Acid which definitely can help you to sweep away the marks of time and unveil youthful skin again. Bring out a renewed glow and suppleness to your skin with this rejuventing
Visible result can be seen instantly!
result after 4 boxes
after 4 boxes of LATOJA Hyaluronic Acid --> totally a different person now! can you BELIEVE IT?
allergic skin can be repaired too!
Customer was fully recovered now from allergy skin and her face is smoother and more vibrant glow than anyone else :)
YEAH, LATOJA treatment helped customer to get rid of pimple breakouts and all the acne scars had disappear!
LATOJA daily steps:
clean with warm water for 3 times, massage with thin emlsion, massage hyaluronic acid.
LATOJA night steps:
clean with warm water for 3 times, massage with thin emlsion, massage night with hyaluronic acid (half bottle), massage the problem parts with another half bottle.
LATOJA hyaluronic acid liquid, nine effect:
1) face-lift, alleviates symptom of aging by boosting skin's natural elasticity and achieve perfect V-line face
2) remove wrinkles/ facial fine lines, preventing it from going dry and from becoming prone to fine lines.
3) tighten skin whitening,
4) moisturizing,
5) anti-allergic,
6) Dark circles improved
7) remove dark spots,
8) acne effect,
9) remove bags under the eyes
LATOJA action principle: Through the Essence of massage, the tiny cells of the active ingredient can reach deep into the skin absorption, sparking muscle cell activity through the end of the to repair Essence massage, the tiny cells of the active ingredient can reach deep into the skin absorption, excitation from the end of the repair muscle cell activity play a face-lift, pulling compact, wrinkles, pigmentation, to repair epidermal cells smoothness and other effects. Instantly alleviating the appearance of fine lines for a more youthful look
Lightly pat a very thin layer to targeted areas; leave damp on skin and remain expressionless for 2–3 minutes while product dries to achieve dramatic results. One daily serum and one night serum per day vial typically lasts 2–3 days depending on individual use. Use as directed and avoid contact with eyes. If product gets into eyes, flush with water. If redness occur, discontinue the night serum and apply daily serum only.
Use as directed and avoid contact with eyes. If product gets into eyes, flush with water.
Difference between LATOJA Hyaluronic Acid and Infant Skin SerumThe main function of LATOJA Hyaluronic Acid is slim face [to achieve perfect V-line], face-lift/tightening, soften/ eliminate facial wrinkles [forehead, under/around eyes, lips], remove undereyes bag, improves dark circles, acne treatment, anti-allergic treatment
whereas LATOJA InfantSkin Serum Click here: LATOJA InfantSkin Serum helps to repair and moisture as deep as skin base and achieve intensive and permanent moisturizing and restore skin to be as smooth as infant skin, morever it is specifically formulated with radiant skin essence to brighten the skin and even out the skin tone, you can emerge with that enviable bridal glow of radiant, luminous skin.
In short, it help to restore the moisture loss caused by adverse environment condition, ultraviolet rays etc. After the use, spots are less visible, appearance of wrinkles is reduced, skin texture is more refined, firmness is improved, and radiance is beautifully elevated. Skin becomes breathtakingly crystal clear.
LATOJA Hyaluronic Acid is efficient to hold water in the skin, but you have to moisture your skin before the product can works to hold it! and so LATOJA InfantSkin Serum is what you need ALL in a bottle! Both product complement each other to achieve optimum healthy skin and hence get rid of all the skin problems!
LATOJA 产品功效简介:【水光针】主打功效为瘦脸、提拉紧致、去皱。去水肿、去皱、抗皱、去眼袋 、去黑眼圈、美白、嫩肤 、淡斑、紧致、提拉、抗敏 、祛痘!
产品不含激素与果酸, 没有任何副作用, 即使皮肤敏感, 备孕妈妈和哺乳妈妈都适用哦~~!
规格:12瓶/盒 6瓶日用,6瓶夜用,1瓶2ml
水光针成份 :-
1. 紧致和亮肤美白
2. 瘦脸提升皮肤:苹果肌、咬肌、槟郎肌、V脸,
3. 保湿抗氧化
4. 祛皱:抬头纹、法令纹、眼袋纹、表情纹、鱼尾纹、
5. 延缓皮肤老化
6. 促进血液循环, 改善敏感状态
7. 去除眼袋和黑眼圈:经常熬夜导致眼袋、一次见到明显改善。
8. 改善皮肤暗黄,美白与防晒
9. 皮肤抗菌痘,去痘提升自我修复功能
10. 淡化瑕疵和色斑
谁告诉你 瘦脸 美白 光亮 需要动针动刀呢?
简单步骤,效果棒棒嗒 ~
每个爱美的女性都想拥有不老的容颜,但这些又谈何容易,当下女明星为了保持肌肤的弹性和光泽,避免滋生皱纹,很多都会去打玻尿酸等美容针,先不论打玻尿酸美容针是不是有效果和副作用,高昂的费用也不是我们普通老百姓可以承受的起的,那保持年轻的面庞,阻止岁月的脚步就这么难吗,难道眼睁睁的看着皱纹爬上我们的面部,却无能为力吗? 不,涵曦latoja涂抹式水光针来了,致力保持年轻面容,解决你的一切烦恼,免去了打针、整容、抽脂的风险和后遗症问题疼痛和耗时,你还在等什么,像一系列面部衰老问题say拜拜!目前涵曦latoja涂抹式水光针正在招代理,你也可以做代理,把美丽传递给更多人!